
Six Pack Abs in 7 Weeks


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How to Get a 6 Pack in 7 Weeks

six pack abs in 7 weeks

Even if you have never seen your abs before you will be able to finally see your abs if you are prepared to do the necessary steps that will enable you to finally see your abs. If you are able to stand up straight then you have a set of abs that can be shown if you do the exercises and follow the diet.

There is no doubt about it that getting your abs seen is not an easy thing to do if you have never seen your abs before. This means that you do not have the fast genetically inherited metabolism that shows your abs and this means that extra work needs to be done in order to show that six-pack that you have.

If your objective is to dedicate 7 weeks to do all that is necessary to see your six-pack then you need to start off by lifting weights. It should be noted here that this could also be achieved by training at home using your own bodyweight but this article is not going to be discussing these movements.

The first step is starting a daily exercise program that will increase your core strength and put on muscle fast. This is done by using compound movements that use your whole body to perform the exercise as this will increase your general core strength and get your abdominal cavity thicker as a result.

Your abdominals support your posture and are working when you stand up straight using the opposing muscle which are the many back muscles that you have to keep your posture correct. When ding compound exercises like squats and deadlift you are working both your back and your stomach muscles and not only increasing your strength but also increasing the amount of muscle that you have as a result of the increasing strength gained.

You should not train any more than a maximum of 45 minutes at a time. Sports science has now proven conclusively that training with a high intensity for more than 45 minutes will slow down you own very precious testosterone production as well as HGH (human growth hormone).

But getting a solid six-pack of abs that cannot be seen by anyone because of the fat that is hiding them is completely useless if you want your abs to be seen. What this means is that after starting your 7 week weight training program you need to start eating correctly as well.

This is vitally important as it involves fat-loss which is what will eventually be responsible for displaying your abs for everyone including yourself to see. But just cutting out fat or starving yourself is not going to help you lose fat in 7 weeks.

There is a very specific three step process that needs to be followed if you want to lose a lot of fat in 7 weeks. The first step and probably the most vital step is to start teaching yourself how to count calories. Although this might seem like a hassle when you first start you quickly get used to it.

For example knowing that a boiled egg has 70 calories and the same boiled egg when fried in oil or butter will have 220 calories will make a huge difference to the speed at which you lose fat. The second step is speeding up your metabolism which takes eating every three hours.

Eating every three hours is not good enough if you are eating a burger and fries, you need to make sure that every small meal that you eat contains high quality lean protein, complex carbs and some good quality fat. Following the advice given above will get your abs showing in 7 weeks.

For more info on how to get 6 pack abs fast go to How To Get A Perfect Six-Pack Of Abs ASAP

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