
Super Slow Weight Training


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What is super slow training?

super slow training

Super slow training is a strength training technique that has you to lift a lower amount of weight but at a much slower pace than you would normally. For example, you would take ten seconds to lift the weight and then ten seconds to release the weight back to the starting position. The goal that you want to focus on with super slow motion reps is to limit momentum so that your muscles can work harder to lift the weight. Super slow is an excellent way to switch up your routine from your normal training. When you try slow motion training, start with an exercise and weight that you are comfortable and familiar with that you can perform in slow repetitions of 6 to 8.

Super slow training results

You will see noticeably different results when performing super slow motion reps. Your strength will increase fast and you will see an almost immediate hardening of your muscles. This workout is shorter but just as effective and even more intense than a normal routine. When the slow reps method is performed for at least six weeks it can build 50% more muscle than an average routine. This method targets deep muscle fibers that sometime go widely untapped until you begin a super slow workout routine. Your muscles will contract harder and produce more heat which uses up more calories resulting in more muscle gained and more fat burned.

Slow motion reps is only one of the techniques employed with our new X-Size Software. Not only will X-Size give you the most effective workout programs and keep track of your progress, but it also uses a built in A.I. (artificial intelligence). That means it makes the right decisions just for you. So you have the security to avoid all mistakes before they can happen.

So, if you want to skyrocket your muscle gains go to X-Size Bodybuilding Software.

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